Westbrook - With the final funds allocated, a total of thirty-six Maine credit unions received incentive grants to distribute to hunger organizations of their choice in their own communities, as the Maine Credit Union League's Social Responsibility Committee released the list of its top Credit Unions for its 2002 Credit Union Campaign for Ending Hunger, which raised a record-setting $193,624.02. Dexter Regional Federal Credit Union in Dexter took top honors in the entire Campaign and finished first in both fundraising categories, raising $13,500 and $1.09 per member. Four other Bangor area credit unions finished in the top ten: Maine Savings Federal Credit Union in Hampden (#4 in funds raised at $7,361.39); Seaboard Federal Credit Union in Bucksport (#5 in funds raised at $6,221.79 and #7 in highest per member); EMMC Federal Credit Union in Bangor (#6 in funds raised at $5,656.30 and #5 in highest per member); and Bangor Hydro Federal Credit Union in Bangor (#10 in highest per member). Other Bangor area credit unions making the list are: Bangor Federal Credit Union in Bangor; Bansco Credit Union in Bangor; Penobscot County Federal Credit Union in Old Town; Howland-Enfield Federal Credit Union in Howland; and Sebasticook Valley Federal Credit Union in Pittsfield. The top campaign fundraisers in two categories received nearly $56,000 in funds raised during the Campaign to distribute to hunger organizations in their own communities. For the first time in the Campaign's history, the top twenty-five credit unions received funds. In addition to expanding the list of credit unions that receive disbursement funds, the League's Social Responsibility Committee voted to increase the amount of disbursement grants. Jon Paradise, Director of Communications for the Maine CU League, explained that the reason the Committee included more credit unions and increased the amount of grants this year was that it wanted to recognize as many credit unions for participating the Campaign as possible and enable additional credit unions to help more organizations in their own communities. Here are the top Credit Unions for the 2002 Maine Credit Unions' Campaign for Ending Hunger: Total $$ Raised and location of main office: 1. Dexter Regional FCU, Dexter $13,500.00Highest Per Member Contribution and location of main office: 1. Dexter Regional FCU, Dexter $1.09Since 1990, the Maine Credit Unions' Campaign for Ending Hunger has raised more than $1.32 million to help end hunger in Maine. 100% of all money raised goes to ending hunger and stays in Maine. The Maine Credit Union League is the State Trade Association for Maine's 77-affiliated Credit Unions providing a variety of services and products to assist Credit Unions in meeting the needs of their membership. |