BANGOR - An Insurance Workshop for Small Business Owners will be held on Thursday, November 21, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Penquis Community Action Program, 262 Harlow Street, Bangor. Rob Weymouth of the National Association for the Self-Employed will discuss health insurance considerations for the small business owner. Healther Brountas and Scott Boucher of Barressi Financial will talk about insurance carriers in Maine and life, disability and dental insurances. Norma Peters and Willow Leavitt of the Penquis CAP Covering Kids and Families Campaign will discuss the benefits and services available through MaineCare. Attendance is free, but registration is required. Call Kim Flagg at 973-3618 to register or for more information. The workshop is sponsored by Penquis Community Action Program, Washington Hancock Community Agency and Waldo County Committee for Social Action, and partially funded by a grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made, if requested at least two weeks in advance. |