chamber of commerce

Maine State BBQ Championship Update September 27th & 28th, 2003
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Wow, it just a few days before the Championship!!

We Are Looking Forward To Hosting This Contest!!!

As of 9/22/03 have 14 teams!! But we still have a few open slots for any teams!!

The team area is in a different location on the grounds, as last year with each team being assigned a spot. The new location has a better public visibility because your team spots are location near the main gate. There is space behind your spot to park your vehicle. The teams will have easy access to running water and electricity but it is highly suggested that teams bring plenty of power strips, cords and hoses. Each spot will have a trash barrel and trash pick-up as needed. Gate 2 will be open for teams on Friday the 26th at Noon, but if you need to be in sooner please contact James Macomber by cell phone at 207-279-1010.

Friday The 26th

Noon � Gate 2 opens for teams, vendors and workers
After 2pm - Contest Reps will inspects the meats
7:30pm - BBQ Team's Meeting in the Dining Hall
Saturday the 27th
7am � Gate 2 opens for teams, judges, vendors and workers
10am � Vendors must be ready for business
10am � Gates opens for the public
10:30am � Judges' Meeting in the Dining Hall
10:30am � First Band starts
Noon - Judges report to the Dining Hall
12:30pm KCBS Judging of CHICKEN in the Dining Hall
1:00pm KCBS Judging of PORK RIBS (loin or spare) in the Dining Hall
1:30pm KCBS Judging of PORK SHOULDER/BUTT/PICNIC in the Dining Hall
2:00pm KCBS Judging of BEEF BRISKET in the Dining Hall
5:00-5:30pm � Ms. Maine awards the Winners of the Second Annual Maine State Barbeque Champion
Enjoy the evening's music!!
Prizes for Saturday's Contest
Maine State Grand Champion is $300 and a trophy
Highest Combine Scoring Maine Team is a Trophy and a surprise
For Each Category
First Place is a Trophy and $100
Second Place is a Ribbon and $50
Third Place is a Ribbon and $25

Sunday the 28th

7am � Gate 2 opens for teams, judges, vendors and workers
10am � Vendors must be ready for business
10am � Gates opens for the public
10:30am � Judges' Meeting in the Dining Hall
10:30am � First Band starts
11:30am - Judges report to the Dining Hall
Noon Grilling & Chili Cook-Off Contest Starts
12:30pm KCBS Judging of BBQ Sauce in the Dining Hall
1:30pm Judging of Chili Cook-Off in the Dining Hall
2:00pm KCBS Judging of Grilling in the Dining Hall
4:00 pm - Awarding the Winners of the Second Annual Maine State Grilling & BBQ Sauce Contest and The Chili Cook-Off
Prizes for Sunday's Contest
For Each Category
First Place is a Trophy and $50
Second Place is a Ribbon
Third Place is a Ribbon

The 2003 event will be also at the Piscataquis Valley Fairgrounds in Dover-Foxcroft. We feel that this is the best location for the Maine Contest because of its location in central Maine plus it offers plenty of parking and public restrooms with showers for the BBQ'ers. The teams and judges are asked to use the lower gate at all times and this will give you easy access to the team area. Each Team member, contest rep and judge will receive a weekend wristband so that you may come and go as need be. The judges will need to show their KCBS Judges' Badge or on the Judge's list at the lower gate to receive their weekend pass. This year the judging area has been moved to the dining hall. This gives the public a chance to view how the judging process is done as they enter from the ticket booth and contest judges� easier access to water and bathrooms.

Rule Updates: KCBS Rules Links:

Saturday Categories will be Judged by KCBS Rules under supervision of Mark Gelo (KCBS Contest Rep). Saturday's Chef Choice � Open Garnish, Anything Goes The teams must include any meat or seafood of their choice. It is the teams� choice to garnish or not to garnish their entry. The food will be judged by KCBS format under supervision of Mark Gelo (KCBS Contest Rep).

Sunday's Grilling and BBQ Sauce Categories will be judged by KCBS Rules under supervision of Mark Gelo (KCBS Contest Rep). Teams Must entry a quart of BBQ Sauce in the provided quart container. The Grilling Contest � Open Garnish, Anything Goes The teams must include any meat or seafood of their choice. It is the teams� choice to garnish or not to garnish their entry. BBQ Sauce Entries will be provided a quart container.

Sunday's Open Chili Contest (New This Year) Chili's will be Judged by ICS Rules under supervision of Mark Gelo. ICS link:

Open means that the chili does not have to be cooked on site. Open allows beans or pasta, either red or green. If we choose open, it gives the contestants the most choice. The contestant turns in a quart Container, which is relabeled in the double blind method. There is a different scoring system, which is quite simple. Each judge samples from each quart container with a new plastic spoon. Entries will be provided a quart container.

Judges will be told they should vote for the chili they like best based on the following major considerations: good flavor, texture of the meat, consistency, blend of spices, aroma, and color.

Maps: Visit

Grocery and Supply Store
Graves' Shop N Save � Grocery - Dover-Foxcroft
Save A Lot � Grocery - Dover-Foxcroft
Irving's � 24 HR Conv. Store � Dover-Foxcroft
Mountain's Market � Grocery - Dover-Foxcroft
Fox Brook � Conv. Store - Dover-Foxcroft
Foxcroft Agway � Supply Store (Wood Chips) � Dover-Foxcroft
Webber Hardware � Hardware � Dover-Foxcroft
Dover True Value � Hardware � Dover-Foxcroft

Designed & Maintained by Judy Craig Consulting - Updated: January 20th